September 24
Train Like A Man 6
How to wake up those glutes and train them like a man.
September 19
5 Tips For A Bigger, Badder, Overhead Press
You don't have to go through life overhead pressing candy-ass weights. Here are 5 tips to get you moving some serious iron.
September 11
5 Ways to Get Stronger You Didn't Already Know
When the strength building basics stop working, you need real advice that works, not gimmicks. You need this article.
September 5
Brutal Complexes
Get better at the Olympic lifts while whipping your sorry butt into shape with these three killer complexes.
August 29
Managing Training Stress
Here are a couple of simple but telling biofeedback tests to let you how well you're managing the stress imposed by training.
August 22
12 Programs to Follow
Twelve time-tested routines for size and strength. Pick one and get to work.
August 20
Real Life Training and Eating
It's as if some training and diet programs are designed for college kids on summer break. Here's how busy people with jobs and stuff should approach things.
August 16
Commercial Gym Power
What do you do if you want to perform Olympic weightlifting at your gym but it's not possible or it's against the rules?
August 10
Accumulate, Intensify, Dominate
Chest on Monday, back on Tuesday, etc., isn't programming. Here's how to design a program for effective long-term results.
August 8
The Twice a Week Training Program
In a perfect world we'd have unlimited time to train to be awesome. But what happens to that fancy training schedule when you enter the real world?
August 1
10 Weeks to Squat PRs
If your squat hasn't gone up since the Clinton administration, this program will help you finally set some new PR's.
July 23
Get Your Press Up!
600-pound benchers may be forgiven for not focusing on the press. Your narrow ass, on the other hand, has no excuses. Here’s why you need to do it.
July 13
My Favorite Lower Body Warm-up
Forget the 45-minute warm-up routines - here's how to get set for your next squat or deadlifting session with just a few moves.
July 9
Shoulder Rehab, Wendler Style
An effective shoulder rehab plan needs to be intelligent, slow, and methodical. Check out this one by Jim Wendler.
July 6
Man Up and Military Press
Just put the bar over your head and do the military press. Easy enough, but not many people actually do it today. Here’s why...
July 4
7 Squat Tips from Coach Nick
Best squat stance, high-bar versus low-bar, contrast training, 7/4/7 squats, and much more from Nick T.
June 21
Rotating Your Lifts for New Levels of Strength
The best exercises for building size and strength are the one's you haven't adapted to yet. Here's how to stay one step ahead of your body.
June 20
Fillers: Pairing Strength with Mobility
Doing dozens of mobility drills is boring. Here's how tactically using just a few in between big lifts can make you bigger and stronger.
June 18
Iron Evolution – Phase 9
Thirty years of iron work ends at the top of the mountain - with the Mountain Dog.