August 12
Passing the Lifting Torch
How to train young athletes to get stronger, get faster, and get ready for life. You may even learn a few things yourself. Check it out.
August 10
The 4 Most Common Injuries for Lifters
Nothing kills your gains like a lifting injury. Here are the four injuries you're most likely to get and how to prevent them.
August 3
7 Ways to Get Jacked With Olympic Lifts
Olympic lifting isn't meant to pack on tons of muscle. But there is a way to train the O-lifts and build muscle at the same time. Here's how.
July 31
5 Ways You're Wasting Time in the Gym
Think you're making the best use of your gym time? Yeah, probably not. It's time to get accountable and get smarter about your workouts. Here's how.
July 23
10 Training Tricks for Big Men
If you look like a less-hairy version of Bigfoot, then you can't always train the same way as smaller guys. Here are the differences you need to know.
July 22
The Single Best Hamstring Exercise
Hamstrings are the weak link for most lifters. Don't be one of them. Here's how to hammer your hams to increase strength, power, speed, and explosiveness.
July 10
Core Training That Isn't Stupid
Drop the planks and crunches. There's a better way. Here's how to really train your core to build overall strength and athleticism.
July 9
Overhead Press Your Body Weight
Can you press your body weight overhead? You should be able to, plus more. Here's how to supercharge your pressing strength.
July 6
The Big 3 Lifts Suck For Size Gains
Sorry, but if you want to get maximally jacked, you need to do more than the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Here's why.
July 2
8 Ways to Never Get Injured Again
Got nagging injuries? Stop working through them and start preventing them in the first place. Here's how.
June 18
One Exercise to Rule Them All
Get your lifts up, get your gains up, and move the bar faster. Do the clean and press to get better at everything.
June 17
How to Train for Fighting
Are you trying to throw a punch or are you playing patty cake? Here's how to develop raw, devastating power.
June 10
The Best Way to Keep Getting Stronger
Strength gains stalled out? Use this powerful progression method to build stronger muscles and tendons so you'll never plateau.
June 5
Powerbuilding: 4 Ways to Get Big and Strong
Mix heavy lifts with moderate lifts and blend powerlifter strength with bodybuilder size.
June 3
Why Training Stops Working and How to Fix It
Have you become nonresponsive to lifting? It can happen. Here's how to cure the problem and get your body responding again.
May 29
3 Training Methods Athletes Screw Up
All three of these training methods are valid. Problem is, they're being misused by dumb coaches and ignorant athletes. Are you one of them?
May 22
6 Steps to Building the Perfect Workout
Want strength? Muscle mass? Fat loss? Follow these 6 steps and finally get the results you're after.
May 21
Bodybuilding vs. Powerlifting Bench Press
Is your main goal to bench press a Buick or build a great chest? The nine differences you must know to get the results you want.
May 20
Bulgarian Training Simplified
Bulgarian training works for top Olympic lifters. Here's how average guys and gals can make it work for bodybuilding and powerlifting.