June 28
How to Fix a Really Ugly Squat
If squatting feels like hell, you're doing it wrong. Fix it and the movement will come easier for you... along with the PRs. Here's exactly what to do.
June 15
5 Primer Exercises to Boost Your Big Lifts
Do these exercises before you squat, bench, or deadlift and you'll not only lift more weight, your movements will be smooth, sexy, and pain free.
May 16
3 Ways to Move Better and Lift Harder
Do these movements before your next workout! Not only will they loosen you up quickly and make you feel awesome, they'll enhance performance.
May 4
Dump the Slump
Fix your rounded back to feel, move, and look better. Here are three exercises that'll help.
March 30
4 Easy Ways to Fix Shoulder Pain
Sticky, painful shoulders don't grow or get stronger. Here's why yours hurt and four new ways to get them feeling strong.
March 23
Use Rollers and Lacrosse Balls for Gains
Break up the scar tissue that reduces flexibility, contractibility, and blood flow using a roller and a lacrosse ball. Here's how.
March 16
The 5 Dumbest Stretching Myths
For decades, gym goers and athletes stretched before workouts and competitions. Then stretching became “bad.” Here's the real story.
February 24
Straighten Before You Strengthen
Building strength and symmetrical muscle isn't possible with an asymmetrically aligned physique. Here's how to assess your posture and fix it fast.
January 25
4 Ways to Build Your Scrawny Back
Want a bigger, stronger back? Then stop doing the same workout that hasn't gotten you one. Here are four methods to help you grow.
January 7
One Exercise for Stronger Squats & Biceps
Perfect your squat form and build your biceps with this simple (but challenging) exercise. Check it out.
December 30
5 Signs You're About to Get Hurt
Are you on your way to becoming a broken down lifter? Here are the signs to watch out for and how to intervene.
December 12
Tip: Stop Doing Static Stretching
Regular stretching often does more harm than good, especially for lifters and strength athletes. Here's why.
November 11
The 4 Riskiest Types of Exercise
These training styles are all good, if you know what in the heck you're doing. Most people don't. That includes you. Check out the list.
August 27
The 4 Most Abused Words in Fitness
You hear these words all the time, but do you even know what they really mean? It's time to stop it with the nerdy buzzwords and go back to basics. Start here.
August 10
The 4 Most Common Injuries for Lifters
Nothing kills your gains like a lifting injury. Here are the four injuries you're most likely to get and how to prevent them.
July 2
8 Ways to Never Get Injured Again
Got nagging injuries? Stop working through them and start preventing them in the first place. Here's how.
June 25
How to Prevent CrossFit Injuries
Injuries are progress-killers, and CrossFitters are racking them up. The best way to stop them is to prevent them. Here's how.
Squatter's Shoulder: The Cause & The Cure
Squats irritating your shoulders? Don't go to the doctor’s office yet. There's a reason it's happening and a way to fix it.
May 18
5 New Ways to Use a Foam Roller
Think your foam roller is just for warm-ups and mobility? Think again. How to use it to build muscle and get stronger.