March 29
Conditioning for Muscle Mass
Metcon isn't just about fat loss. Without it, muscle growth and strength gains can grind to a halt. Really. Here's why and what to do about it.
February 10
No Off Days: 10 Awesome Ways to De-Load
The best athletes and lifters seldom take off days, not in the traditional sense at least. Here's how to take a break but stay awesome.
November 11
The 4 Riskiest Types of Exercise
These training styles are all good, if you know what in the heck you're doing. Most people don't. That includes you. Check out the list.
August 5
8 Minutes to Awesome
What would happen if you did push-ups and bodyweight squats every day?
June 11
Torch Fat with Free-Weight Finishers
Burn the fat and keep the muscle with these strength-based finishers that can be used in any gym.
May 19
4 Gym Gadgets That Are Wasting Your Time
Are you using any of these overhyped fitness gadgets? If so, should you be? Probably not.
March 20
The 12 Minute Fix for Abs and Glutes
Work the core, glutes, and even shoulders together while burning loads of body fat in one excruciating exercise sequence.
February 12
4 Anabolic Metcon Workouts
Some lifters avoid conditioning work because they're afraid of losing muscle... and their athleticism and waistlines suffer. Here's the fix.
December 31
Weight Training for Endurance Addicts
Obsessed endurance athletes like triathloners need to pick up some heavy weights if they want to stay strong and injury-free. Here's how.
November 4
3 Complexes for Rapid Female Fat Loss
Burn fat, improve strength, increase conditioning, and build beautiful muscle in only a few hard minutes a day.
April 7
The Death of Steady State Cardio
Endurance work makes you soft and weak. Steady state cardio, as a fat loss tool, should be buried. Metabolic interval training or HIIT is far superior.
June 25
Circuit Training For Combat Athletes
How to achieve hypertrophy, fat loss, and metabolic conditioning in the same workout with advanced circuit training.
February 26
Train Like A Man 9
You have 20 minutes to complete the five events of the Mantathlon. Can you do it?
December 11
Conditioning is a Sham
According to Rippetoe, you're better off training strength than you are training conditioning. Here’s why.
September 5
Brutal Complexes
Get better at the Olympic lifts while whipping your sorry butt into shape with these three killer complexes.
June 1
5 Indoor Cardio Drills For Tough Guys
Five ways to get your cardio in that actually won’t bore you to death.
April 19
The Return of Aerobic Work
Steady state aerobic exercise makes you slow, fat, and weak. Or is that belief just holding you back? Check out this info.
April 13
Cardio for Strength Athletes
Can a big, strong guy do cardio without losing an ounce of size or strength? Check this out!
April 5
Your Cardio Makes No Sense
Is puking on your shoes really improving your conditioning? Here's a scientific approach to building the aerobic and anaerobic systems.