April 26
(De)-Constructing Computer Guy - Part 1
Are you a computer guy? If so then your posture probably sucks. Here’s how to fix it.
March 27
Hips Don't Lie
With smart training, not only should your lifts go up, but your posture should improve as well. Here’s how to make it happen.
March 22
The 10 Rules of Corrective Lifting
Sure, this article is about a sometimes boring, often unsexy topic: injury prevention. But unlike most articles on the subject, this one contains plenty of info that'll help any lifter, regardless of whether his joints are bulletproof or not.
February 7
Conquering Enemies of the Spine
Are you 30 years old but feel like you've got the spine of a 90-year-old well digger? Michael and Cassandra can cure what ails ya'. Practice their deloading drills regularly and your spine will soon be as straight and springy as a young poodle dog's tail.
October 2
Strong Athlete, Zero Injuries
Eight ways to train safely and effectively.
September 27
13 Tips for Mighty Elbows and Wrists
It’s difficult to lift hard and heavy when your elbows and wrists feel jacked up. Here’s how to keep them strong and healthy.
September 19
Soft Tissue Work for Tough Guys
Think foam rolling hurts? Try using a tennis ball on trigger points. Here’s how.
July 12
Shoulder Savers - Part 3
Two-thirds of lifters will have some sort of shoulder problem during their training career. Nine tips to help you avoid being one of them.
May 10
Shoulder Savers - Part 2
Eight more ways to protect your shoulders so you can keep lifting hard and heavy. Check ‘em out.
May 9
Shoulder Savers - Part 1
How to build strong and healthy shoulders.
April 10
Back to McGill
If you're a lifter with back problems you'll want to read this. If you're a lifter without back problems you'll still want to read this.
June 14
The Stretching Roundtable - Part 2
Last week in Part I the coaches talked about stretching myths and how flexibility affects muscle size and strength. This week they'll delve even deeper into the subject, so warm up your brain, do some dynamic stretches for the frontal lobe, and dig in
June 10
Neanderthal No More - Part 3
The complete, head-to-toe guide to fixing your bad posture. Check it out.
June 7
The Stretching Roundtable - Part 1
Stretching is a lot like flossing. We know we should do it, we know it's beneficial, but a lot of us don't do it very often or very well.
July 25
Mister Spine - Part 2
An interview with Stuart McGill, Part 2
July 18
Mister Spine - Part 1
An interview with Stuart McGill
March 23
No Need for Knee Pain
Evaluation and Treatment of Common Knee Problems
July 30
The Real Miracle Worker
Back in my small hometown in Texas, some of the more eccentric churches would hold these great tent revivals. Even if we didn't like their particular style of religion, we would still sit out in our cars and watch just for the sheer entertainment value of the show.