February 3
6 Heavy Bench Press Lessons
Shoulder pressing versus benching, avoiding injuries, the right grip to use, and why you should never miss a rep.
January 31
Finding Your Big 3 Lifts
Powerlifters have to bench, squat, and deadlift. But what if you just want to impress the ladies when your clothes come off?
September 20
Squat, Deadlift & Bench Options for Big Gains
Always going heavy on the Big 3 can lead to injury and stagnation. Here how to lighten your loads and keep getting better.
August 14
Master the Reverse-Grip Bench Press
Don't be scared. The reverse-grip bench press can be safely used to hit new, pain-free PR’s. Here’s how.
May 28
Fake Strength: Stop Arching the Bench Press
Re-think the big arch for bench pressing. It doesn't create any real strength, and admit it: it's cheating. Here’s why.
March 21
6 Stronger Bench Exercises
Most benchers have one of four problems. Here are six innovative fixes.
January 9
8 Tips From an 800-Pound Bencher
The soft-pause technique, extended ROM presses, the induction method, and other tips from a monster bench presser. Check ‘em out.
December 4
The Virtual Bench Press Seminar
The first rule of fixing your bench press is admitting your bench sucks. The second rule is that you must read this article and learn about the set-up, grip, ascent, and descent.
December 3
Lessons from The Dead Zone: The Bench
The dead zone is when injuries and frustrations mount. It can last a decade, but getting through it may be what gives you the biggest gains of your life. Here’s what to do.
November 15
How I Benched 400
Hitting a 400-pound bench is a goal for many lifters, yet few ever get there. They need this article.
October 11
Bench More to Bench More
Forget overtraining. One of the most effective ways to bench press more weight is to bench press more often.
May 8
Why the Bench Press is the Best Exercise
For the goals of improved strength, more muscle size, better athletic function, and even general fitness, the bench press is the best exercise. Here’s why.
April 4
15 Commandments for the Big 3 Lifts
15 benching, squatting, and deadlifting tips to lead you to the powerlifting promised land.
January 23
The Truth About the Bench Press
What's the purpose of a big bench? Does the strength displayed there actually translate into real-life athleticism and pushing power? Find out here.
January 2
8 Bad-Ass Bench Press Tips
Here are 8 tips pulled from some of the sport's top pressers that will have you hitting new PRs in no time.
December 15
The Best Damn Bench Press Article Period
Everything you ever wanted to know about the bench press. If you don't come away from this with at least a dozen ways to beef up your bench, you didn't read carefully enough.
October 20
Dumbbell Floor Presses for Strength, Size, and Health
Master this exercise and you’ll build some new muscle and maybe even fix your nagging shoulder pain.
September 27
A 6-Week Squat, Bench, or Deadlift Program
A simple, foolproof program to boost up your big lifts in just six weeks. Check it out.
July 27
Big Bench Program for Strength and Size
The basics of benching, the fine points, and a solid 16-week program. Get it all here.