Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the website located at, which is owned and operated by BIOTEST LLC DBA t NATION ("T NATION," "we," "our," "us," or "Site,"). The purpose of this privacy policy is to disclose the types of information we collect, how we collect it, what we do with it, and your choices regarding the use and disclosure to other parties of information we may have collected from you.

NOTICE: By using this Site you consent to your information being collected, used, and transferred as set forth in this privacy policy. If we decide to update or change this privacy policy, we will post the change or update on this page. Your continued use of the Site shall constitute your acceptance of such revised privacy policy. Your continued use of the Site shall constitute your acceptance of such revised privacy policy.

Types of Information Collected

  1. Information You Provide Us. Personal information that you provide to us, such as your username, password, name, email address, physical address, phone number, birth date, gender, and postal code may be collected via the Site.
  2. Site Usage Information. We may receive and store certain types of information whenever you visit the Site, such as click-stream data and your IP address.
  3. Email and Text Communications. We may keep track of the communications we send you. When you open emails or text messages from us, we may receive a confirmation noting you opened a communication. Additionally, we record what types of communications you have opted to receive and not to receive.
  4. Information from Other Sources. We may receive information about you from other sources.

How Information Is Collected

  1. Registration. You may be asked to complete a registration form and provide personally identifiable information. You may also be asked to choose a username and password in order to take advantage of certain features the Site.
  2. Newsletters, Emails, and Text Messages. We may offer free newsletters or send emails or text messages about announcements and special offers from advertisers and sponsors. You may receive a newsletter by registering for it or with a special feature or forum membership. You may cancel your free newsletter, email, or text-message subscription by following the instructions in the designated area of the newsletter, email, or text message.
  3. Contests and Sweepstakes. We may operate contests and sweepstakes that require registration. Your personally identifiable information may be used to contact you for winner notification, prize delivery confirmation, or other related purposes.
  4. Surveys or Polls. We may request personally identifiable information from you in order to participate in surveys or voting polls.
  5. Cookies. The Site uses "cookies," which are small data files that automatically identify your Web browser to the Site whenever you visit the Site. Cookies save your preferences, which makes using the Site easier. Cookies are also a valuable source of information for helping us improve and update the Site. For more information, view our Cookie Policy.
  6. IP Addresses and Click-stream Data. We may collect your IP address and click-stream data, which we use for system administration and report the aggregate information to our advertisers and sponsors. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you access the Internet. Click-stream data may include such information as the page served, the time, the source of the request, the type of browser making the request, the preceding page viewed.
  7. Transaction Information. If you purchase a product from our Site, we will request certain information in order to complete the transaction, such as credit-card number, expiration date, and billing and shipping addresses. Such information is collected and stored through encrypted means for your protection. Credit-card numbers and CVV codes are not stored on our computers.

How We Use the Collected Information

T Nation owns all of the information collected via this Site. As applicable, the information you provide us may be used as follows:

  • Contact you about the Site.
  • Contact you relating to your membership status.
  • Confirm or fulfill an order you have made.
  • Customize the advertising and content you see.
  • Monitor compliance with the terms and conditions of use of the Site.
  • Provide special offers from us or our subsidiaries or affiliates.
  • Send promotions on behalf of our business partners.
  • Inform you of a prize you have won.

Sharing Collected Information

We may share your personally identifiable information with others as follows:

  1. Agents. We employ other businesses and contractors to perform functions on our behalf, which include Site analysis, data analysis, marketing assistance, and credit-card payment processing. These entities only have access to the personally identifiable information to the extent required to perform their various functions.
  2. Promotional Offers. We may send offers by email on behalf of an advertiser or sponsor, but we never give the advertiser or sponsor any of your personal information. If you do not want to receive such offers, you may opt out in response to the email.
  3. Aggregate Information. We may share aggregate information, such as demographics and Site use statistics, with advertisers, sponsors, or other organizations. When this type of data is shared, it never includes your personally identifiable information.
  4. Subsidiaries and Affiliates. We may share your personally identifiable information with our subsidiaries and affiliates.
  5. Business Transfers. The Site may be sold along with its assets. In such a case, your personally identifiable information, collected via T Nation, may be one of the business assets transferred.
  6. Legal Process. Your personally identifiable information may be disclosed pursuant to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, which may occur without notice to you.
  7. Forums. The Site makes public forums available to its users. You are required to register with the site to post to the forum. We strongly recommend that you do post personal information on our forum. We cannot ensure the security of any information you choose to make public. Also, we cannot ensure that parties who have access to such publicly available information will respect your privacy.
  8. Links to Other Websites. This privacy policy applies only to this Site and not to our advertisers or sponsors. As such, if you "click" a banner advertisement, you may be directed off the Site onto a different Website. These other Websites may or may not have their own published privacy policies. If you visit a Website that is linked to our Site, you should review that site’s privacy policy before providing any personal information.


T Nation utilizes reasonable safeguards to protect the security and privacy of the personal information collected and to protect such information from loss, misuse, and alteration. Credit card numbers and CVV codes are not stored on our computers.

Children's Privacy

We do not intentionally collect any personal information from children. We take no specific steps to protect the privacy of those children who disclose such personal data.

Updating Personal Information

You can update the personal data you have provided to us by making changes to your profile. by using an opt out message in an email. If you have any questions about this privacy policy or the privacy practices of this Site, you can contact us at

Feedback Confidentiality

Any feedback you provide at this site shall be deemed to be non-confidential. T Nation shall be free to use such information on an unrestricted basis.

Privacy Policy Support

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact the following:

Customer Service
PO Box 60310
Colorado Springs, CO 80960-0310
Phone: 719-473-5500

Copyright © 2024 BIOTEST LLC.
All rights reserved.