Editorial Guidelines

T Nnation Authors

Interested in writing for T Nation?

T Nation publishes advanced information for people interested in building muscle, getting stronger, losing fat, maximizing athletic performance, optimizing hormones, improving overall health, and boosting longevity.

Here's What You Need to Know

  1. Be Educational and Entertaining. You're writing for the dedicated person who wants to improve and get a deeper understanding. Your audience is NOT your peers in the professional world, coaches, or academics. So don't sound like a boring professor. Be captivating when speaking to our awesome readers.
  2. Know We Evaluate All Authors. We thoroughly vet all writers before publication. T Nation doesn't require advanced degrees or certifications. But we do demand real-world success. Any training or diet idea presented must be an effective concept that produces compelling results.
  3. Submit Unpublished Material. We only accept new articles that are original to the author and never before published anywhere, including blogs.
  4. Write Tight. While we have no set length, try keeping articles between 500 and 2500 words.
  5. Use Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Submit articles as Microsoft Word files or Google Docs.
  6. Provide Quality Photos. Send original (unaltered) and the highest quality photos possible – the larger, the better. Shoot horizontally (hold your phone sideways), not vertically.
  7. Shoot HD Videos. High-quality videos are super important. Here are our guidelines:
    • DON'T EDIT VIDEOS IN ANY WAY. Send us the raw files. We'll professionally edit all videos.
    • Record horizontally in HD formt or higher. Minimum size is 1920 x 1080. Larger is even better.
    • Don't include background music.
    • Don't include promotions or advertisements.

Send Articles or Ideas Here

Send your articles or ideas to articles@archive.t-nation.com. Use the words "Article Submission" in the subject.