T Nation 25th Anniversary Giveaway - Enter Now
Bigger Stronger Leaner

The Waterbury Summer Project

Summer is coming. For most of us, that means our new goal is strip off some body fat. But with the wrong plan, you might also strip off some of that winter-built muscle and lose strength.

Here's an 8-week plan that'll help you lean up without causing muscle or strength loss.

Suggested supplements:

Day 1

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 6
  • Load: 8RM
  • Rest: 60 sec. between pairings
  • Note: Don't rest between arms or legs with single limb exercises. Start with your weakest side first.
  • A1: Hang Cleans or Front Squats
  • A2: Reverse Crunches on Slant Board (or floor)
  • B1: Standing Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  • B2: 1-Arm Dumbbell Row
  • C1: Bulgarian Split Squats
  • C2: Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift
  • D1: Dips or Decline Dumbbell Bench Press
  • D2: Dumbbell External Rotation
  • Stretching I recommend Ian King's Lazy Man's Guide to Stretching

Day 2

  • HIIT: 16 minutes (90 sec. walk/30 sec. sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 3

  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 12
  • Load: 14RM
  • Rest: 70 sec. between pairings
  • A1: Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
  • A2: Sit-ups
  • B1: Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
  • B2: Standing Calf Raise
  • C1: Dumbbell Upright Rows
  • C2: Lunges or Step-ups
  • D1: Dumbbell External Rotation
  • D2: Dumbbell Pullovers
  • Stretching

Day 4

  • HIIT: 18 minutes (90 sec. walk/30 sec. sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 5

  • Circuits: 3
  • Set Duration: 2 minutes
  • Load: ~25% of 1RM
  • Note: Each set uses a load that's approximately 25% of your 1RM. But if you're not being challenged (i.e., drastically increased heart rate) by the end of the set, increase the load for the next set by 5%. Each set should be performed with as many reps as you can muster in the 2 minute period.
  • A1: BB Deadlift
  • Rest 90 sec.
  • A2: Push-ups
  • Rest 90 sec.
  • A3: Back Squat
  • Rest 90 sec.
  • A4: Lat Pulldowns
  • Rest 3 min
  • Repeat sequence twice more
  • Stretching

Day 6

  • HIIT: 20 minutes (90 sec. walk/30 sec. sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 7


Day 8

  • Same as Day 1 but decrease the rest periods 5s (load remains constant).
  • Stretching

Day 9

  • HIIT: 16 minutes (80 sec. walk/40 sec. sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 10

  • Same as Day 3 but decrease the rest periods by 5s (load remains constant).
  • Stretching

Day 11

  • HIIT: 18 minutes (80 sec. walk/40 sec. sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 12

  • Same as Day 5 but increase the duration of each set 10 sec. (load remains constant).
  • Stretching

Day 13

  • HIIT: 20 minutes (80 sec. walk/40 sec. sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 14



The supplement and stretching recommendations from Phase 1 carryover to Phase 2.

Day 1

  • Sets: 6
  • Reps: 4
  • Load: 6RM
  • Rest: 1 min. between pairings (A1, rest, A2, rest, A1, rest, A2, rest, etc.)
  • Note: Don't rest between arms or legs with single limb exercises. Start with your weakest side first.
  • A1: Step-ups or Reverse Lunges
  • A2: Bent-over BB Row (palms up grip)
  • B1: Push Press
  • B2: Cable Crunches or Swiss Ball Crunches
  • C1: Power Cleans
  • C2: Standing Calf Raise
  • Stretching

Day 2

  • HIIT: 16 minutes (75 sec. walk/45 sec. sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 3

  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 15
  • Load: 17RM
  • Rest: 70s between pairings
  • A1: Pulldowns (palms down grip)
  • A2: Squat Thrusts (hold a Dumbbell in each hand if your bodyweight is too light)
  • B1: Sit-ups
  • B2: Back Extension
  • C1: Decline BB or Dumbbell Bench Press
  • C2: Dumbbell External Rotation
  • D1: BB Back Squat
  • D2: Lying or Seated Hamstring Curls
  • Stretching

Day 4

  • HIIT: 18 minutes (75 sec. walk/45 sec. sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 5

  • Sets: 1
  • Reps: 100 (total)
  • Load: 50RM (25% of your 1RM)
    Note: Use a load that allows you 45-50 reps before failure. Stop one rep short of failure after the first set of 45-50. Rest 15 sec., perform as many reps as possible, rest 15 sec., perform as many reps as possible. Continue until you reach 100 reps.
  • Sissy Squats or Bodyweight Squats
  • Rest 2 min.
  • Standing Dumbbell Press
  • Rest 2 min.
  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (use straps, if necessary)
  • Rest 2 min.
  • Seated Cable or Chest-supported Rows
  • Rest 2 min.
  • Stretching

Day 6

  • HIIT: 20 minutes (75 sec. walk/45 sec. sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 7


Day 8

  • Same as Day 1 but decrease the rest periods 5s (load remains constant).
  • Stretching

Day 9

  • HIIT: 16 minutes (70s walk/50s sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 10

  • Same as Day 3 but decrease the rest periods by 5s (load remains constant).
  • Stretching

Day 11

  • HIIT: 18 minutes (70s walk/50s sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 12

  • Same as Day 5 but increase the number of reps to 105 (load remains constant).
  • Stretching

Day 13

  • HIIT: 20 minutes (70s walk/50s sprint)
  • Stretching

Day 14


Note: Any of the HIIT workouts can be used with running outside, running on a treadmill, or on a bike.

This is a very challenging phase that will accelerate your fat loss even further. At this point, it's recommended that you start taking Hot-Rox® Extreme.

Here goes!

Day 1

  • Sets: 10
  • Reps: 3
  • Load: 6-7RM
  • Rest: 45 sec.
  • Deadlift
  • Dips or Decline Bench Press
  • Chin-ups or Pulldowns (palms up)
  • Note: These are straight sets that will really get your heart rate pumping. Be sure to stick to the exact rest periods. If you can't finish all 10 sets, the load is too high. Adjust accordingly for the next Monday workout.
  • Rope Jumping or Jumping Jacks for 10 minutes
  • Stretching

Day 2

  • Bike Sprints: Pedal at a moderate intensity for 90 sec., then crank up the tension and sprint as hard as you can for 30 sec. Continue with this sequence for 16 minutes. Remain seated (don't stand up) for the entire cycle sprint session.
  • Stretching

Day 3

  • Circuits: 4
  • Reps: 10
  • Load: 10RM
  • Note: 10RM will decrease by the third circuit (or even the second circuit for some).
  • A1: Good Mornings
  • Rest 10 sec.
  • A2: Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
  • Rest 10 sec.
  • A3: Reverse Lunges (alternate legs with each rep, 20 total reps)
  • Rest 90 sec. and repeat 3 more times
  • B1: Incline BB Bench Press
  • Rest 10 sec.
  • B2: Standing Military Press
  • Rest 10 sec.
  • B3: Dumbbell Side Raise
  • Rest 90 sec. and repeat 3 more times
  • C1: Chin-ups or Pulldowns (palms up)
  • Rest 10 sec.
  • C2: Bentover Dumbbell or BB Rows
  • Rest 10 sec.
  • C3: BB or Dumbbell Upright Rows
  • Rest 90 sec. and repeat 3 more times
  • Rope Jumping or Jumping Jacks for 11 minutes
  • Stretching

Day 4

  • Same as Day 2 for 17.5 minutes

Day 5

  • Sets: 1
  • Reps: 15
  • Load: 15RM
  • Rest: 1 min. between exercises
  • Overhead Squats
  • Bentover Rows
  • Step-Ups (alternate legs with each rep, 20 total reps)
  • Dips or Decline Bench Press
  • BB Hack Squats
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Note: After this sequence, rest for 2 min. and move to the next exercises
  • A1: One Arm Dumbbell Snatch
  • Note: Alternate arms between each rep. Perform one rep and drop the Dumbbell on the floor. Grab it with the other hand and perform one rep. Continue until you complete 15 reps on each side.
  • Rest 45 sec.
  • A2: Clap Push-ups
  • Note: Push yourself up off the floor and clap your hands between each rep. If traditional push-ups are too tough, elevate your hands on an aerobic step or rest your knees on the floor.
  • Rest 45 sec.
  • A3: Forward Lunges
  • Note: Alternate legs between reps (30 total reps).
  • Rest 90 sec. and repeat A1-A3 once more.
  • Jump rope or do jumping jacks for 12 minutes.
  • Stretching

Day 6

  • Same as Day 2 for 19 minutes
  • Stretching

Day 7


Day 8

  • Same as Day 1 but add one rep to every other set (Sets 1,3,5,7,9)

Day 9

  • Same as Day 2 but use a slow/sprint pedal ratio of 80 sec.:40 sec.

Day 10

Add one rep to each exercise with the same load

Day 11

  • Same as Day 4 with a 80 sec.:40 sec. ratio

Day 12

Add one rep to each exercise with the same load

Day 13

  • Same as Day 6 with a 80 sec.:40 sec. ratio

Day 14


Okay guys and gals, here's the final phase. For those who've stuck with the eating and training plan since Day 1, I applaud you. You should be noticeably leaner at this point. Keep taking Hot-Rox as prescribed. Stretching also remains the same.

Day 1

  • Circuits: 4
  • Reps: 8 – Eight on each side without alternating, 16 total reps. In other words, perform 8 shoulder presses with your right arm, then perform 8 shoulder presses with your left arm.
  • Load: 8-9RM (Your 8-9RM will decrease with each circuit.)
  • A1: Lunge
  • Rest 15 sec.
  • A2: 1-Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  • Note: Alternate arms between reps
  • Rest 15 sec.
  • A3: 1 Leg Dumbbell Deadlift
  • Rest 15 sec.
  • A4: 1 Arm Bentover Row
  • Rest 15 sec.
  • A5: Dumbbell Bench Press
  • Rest 1 min. and repeat 3 more times
  • Wall Sits
  • Sets: 3
    Duration: As long as possible
  • Rest: 90 sec.
  • Note: Stand with your back against the wall with your feet out away from the wall, shoulder-width apart. Squat down so your knee joint is at 90 degrees when your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold that position without placing your hands on your thighs.
  • Cycle Sprints
  • Duration: 2 min.
  • Note: Jump on an exercise bike and cycle as hard as you can for 2 min. Your RPMs should be around 40-60 (any more than 60 and the resistance is too light). When the 2 min. is up, jump off and walk around for a few minutes to allow yourself to recover.
  • Stretching

Day 2

  • 15 minutes of running
  • Note: Run backward for the first 7 and a half minutes; run forward for the last half. Do each phase as fast as possible.
  • Stretching

Day 3

  • Circuits: 6
  • Reps: 4
  • Load: 4RM (Your 4RM will decrease with each circuit.)
  • A1: Power Cleans
  • Rest 30 sec.
  • A2: Dips or Decline Bench Press
  • Rest 30 sec.
  • A3: Front Squat or Hack Squat
  • Rest 30 sec.
  • A4: Chin-ups or Pulldowns with palms up
  • Rest 30 sec. and repeat 5 more times
  • Cycle Sprints
  • Duration: 2 min.
  • Note: Jump on an exercise bike and cycle as hard as you can for 2 min. Your RPMs should be around 40-60. When the 2 min. is up, jump off and walk around for a few minutes.
  • Stretching

Day 4

  • Same as Day 2 for 16 minutes (8 for each phase)
  • Stretching

Day 5

  • Circuits: 3
  • Reps: 15
  • Load: 15RM (This 15RM will decrease with each circuit.)
  • A1: BB Deadlift
  • Rest 45 sec.
  • A2: BB Back Squat
  • Rest 45 sec.
  • A3: Hack Squat
  • Rest 90 sec. and repeat twice more
  • B1: Military Press (Dumbbell or BB)
  • Rest 30 sec.
  • B2: Bench Press (Dumbbell or BB)
  • Rest 30 sec.
  • B3: Dips or Decline Press (Dumbbell or BB)
  • Rest 1 min. and repeat twice more
  • C1: Chins or Pulldowns w/palms up
  • Rest 30 sec.
  • C2: Seated Row w/palms up
  • Rest 30 sec.
  • C3: Straight Arm Lat Pulldown or Dumbbell Pullovers
  • Rest 1 min. and repeat twice more
  • Stretching

Day 6

  • Bike or Running Sprints
  • Work: Rest Ratio – Sprint for 45 sec., walk or cycle lightly for 75 sec.
  • Duration: 16 minutes

Day 7


Day 8

Add one rep to each set with the same load. Add 10 sec. to wall sits and cycle sprints.

Day 9

Add 2 minutes

Day 10

Decrease each rest period by 5s (25s each). Add 10 sec. to cycle sprints.

Day 11

Add 2 minutes

Day 12

Decrease each rest period by 5 sec.

Day 13

Add 2 minutes

Day 14

You're finished!

Thanks for partaking in this fat-burning adventure! Be sure to post your results with comments once you finish the program!

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