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Categories: Bigger Stronger Leaner

How I Finally Got Muscle to Grow - Phase 3

In the first and second parts of this three-phase program, I outlined the exact workouts I use for the Strength Phase and the Volume Phase. Now let's look at the next 10-day phase: Intensity. Or as I like to call it, insanity.

In my program, the word intensity means supersets, drop sets, rest/pause, tempo manipulation, partial reps, forced reps, and working to failure – all the things that bring as much blood as possible to the muscle and make it burn. The bigger the pump, the better! It's funny, but I used to hate the pump. I wondered why I should bother with such little weights, but let's just say I've learned a lot since then.

It might look a little crazy, but remember that you only have to do this workout one week out of every three. However, each time you do it, it'll shock the body into a new level of growth.

Phase 3 - Intensity

Day 1  Legs, Posterior Chain

Exercise Sets Reps
A Body Weight Hyperextension 3 25
B Lying Hamstring Curl 3 40
3 triple drop sets. Do 10 reps, drop the weight, do 10 more, drop the weight again, do 10 more, and on the last drop you'll do 10 partials (working the first one-fourth of the movement) for 10 more reps for a total of 40 reps per set. Repeat 2 more times.
C1 Barbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 10-15 *
C2 Standing Leg Curl 2 10-15 *
D1 Barbell Lunge 3 10-12 *
D2 Leg Extension 3 12-15 *
E Leg Extension 3 40
3 triple drop sets, 10 reps per drop. Do 10 reps, drop the weight, do 10 more, drop the weight again, do 10 more, and on the last drop, you'll do 10 partials (working the first one-fourth of the movement) for 10 more reps for a total of 40 reps per set. Repeat 2 more times.
F1 Pendulum Squat/Hack Squat 3 10-12 *
F2 Seated Hamstring Curl 3 15-20 *
G Pendulum Squat/Hack Squat 1 28 *
1 double drop set. You'll do 10 reps, drop the weight, do 10 more, drop the weight, and finish with 8 more. Go to failure.

* go to failure

Day 2  Chest

Exercise Sets Reps
A Incline Hammer Press 3 36
3 triple drop sets. Do 10 reps, drop the weight, do 10 more reps, drop the weight, do 8 reps, drop the weight, and finish with 8 more. Repeat 3 times.
B1 Wide Hammer Bench Machine 3 8-12 *
B2 Fly Machine 3 8-12 *
C Fly Machine 2 20 *
2 drop sets. Do 10 reps, drop the weight, do 10 more reps. Go to failure. Repeat.
D1 Incline Dumbbell Flye 3 10-12 *
D2 Low Incline Dumbbell Press 3 8 *
E Flat Bench Press 2 12 * *
F Bodyweight Push-Up 1 100

* go to failure
* * use a 3-second tempo in both the concentric and eccentric

Day 3  OFF

Day 4  Back

Exercise Sets Reps
A Chin-Up 3 24
Use 3 different grips. Do 8 reps pronated, 8 reps supinated, and 8 reps using the normal grip. That's one set. Repeat 3 times.
B Wide-Grip Pulldown 3 26 *
3 triple drop sets. You'll do a set of 10, drop the weight, do a set of 8, drop the weight, do a set of 8, drop the weight again, and then go to failure. Repeat 3 times.
C1 Hammer Machine Pulldown 4 8
C2 Hammer Machine Row 4 8-12
D1 Rope Pullover 3 10 *
D2 Cable Row 3 10 *
E Cable Row 2
2 double drop sets. Do 8-10 reps, drop the weight, do 8-10 more reps, drop the weight, and then rep out. Repeat.
F Pullover Machine 1 100

* go to failure

Day 5  Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps
A Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3
3 triple drop sets. Do 12 reps, drop the weight, do 10 more reps, drop the weight, go to failure, drop the weight, and go to failure again. Repeat 2 more times.
B1 Smith Machine Front Press 3 10-12 *
B2 Reverse Rope Face Pull 3 10-12 *
C Reverse Rope Face Pull 2
2 double drop sets. Do 10-12 reps, drop the weight, do 10-12 more reps, drop the weight, do 10-12 more reps again. Repeat.
D1 Front Dumbbell Raise 3 10-12 *
D2 Reverse Cable Rear Delt Cross 3 10-12
E Front Dumbbell Raise 2
2 double drop sets. Do 10-12 reps, drop the weight, do 10-12 more reps, drop the weight, do 10-12 more reps again. Repeat.
F Hammer Press Machine 1 100

* go to failure

Day 6  OFF

Day 7  Quads, Hams

Exercise Sets Reps
A Leg Extension 3 40
3 triple drop sets. You'll do 10 reps, drop the weight, do 10 more, drop the weight again, do 10 more, and on the last drop you'll do 10 partials (working the first one-fourth of the movement) for 10 more reps for a total of 40 reps per set. Repeat 2 more times.
B1 Hack Squat 3 8-12 *
B2 Leg Press 3 10-12 *
C Leg Press 2 18 *
2 double drop sets. You'll do 10 reps, drop the weight, do 8 more, drop the weight again, and go to failure. Repeat.
D1 Front Squat 2 20 *
D2 Bodyweight Lunge 2 20
E Front Squat 1
A triple drop set. You'll do 20 reps, drop the weight, do as many as you can, drop the weight again, do as many as you can again, and then drop the weight once more, repping out again.
F1 Smith Machine Wide Stance Lunge 3 15-20 *
F2 Lying Hamstring Curl 3 10 *
G Standing Hamstring Curl 1 100/leg

* go to failure

Day 8  Arms

Exercise Sets Reps
A Close Grip Bench Press 3 *
3 triple drop sets. Do 12 reps, drop the weight, do 10 more reps, drop the weight, go to failure, drop the weight, and go to failure again. Repeat 2 more times.
B1 Barbell Skull Crusher 3 8-12 *
B2 Bodyweight Push-Up 3 *
C1 Rope Pushdown 3 10-12
Don't worry about the weight; just concentrate on filling the muscles with blood.
C2 1-Arm Reverse Cable Pushdown 3 10-12
C3 Overhead Rope Pushdown 3 10-12
D Standing Barbell Curl 3 *
3 triple drop sets. Do 12 reps, drop the weight, do 10 more reps, drop the weight, go to failure, drop the weight, and go to failure again. Repeat 2 more times.
E1 One-Arm Standing Dumbbell Curl 3 10-12 *
E2 Machine Preacher Curl 3 10-12
F Machine Preacher Curl 2 *
2 triple drop sets. Do 10-12 reps, drop the weight, do 10-12 more reps, drop the weight, go to failure, drop the weight, and go to failure again. Repeat 2 more times.
G1 Reverse Cable Curl 3 10-12
Don't worry about the weight; just concentrate on filling the muscles with blood.
G2 Rope Curl 3 10-12
G3 Two-Arm Cable Curl 3 10-12

* go to failure

Day 9 & 10  11  OFF

Ancillary  Abs & Calves

To be performed every other day.

  • A. Weighted Crunch 3 x 12-15
  • B. Leg Raise 3 x failure
  • C. Donkey Calf Raise 3 x 12-15
  • D. Seated Calf Raise 3 x 20
  • E. Leg Press Calf Raise 3 x 20

After completing Phase 3, begin again with Phase 1, the Strength Phase, and cycle through the other two phases. This program is designed to run 12 to 16 weeks.

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