A Better Back Workout The upper back deserves more attention. Sure, it's important for posture and shoulder health, but it's…
Should you train every major muscle group the same way? Heck, do you even need to directly train every muscle…
The Muscle-Up: The Single Best Upper-Body Exercise Yes, I said it. What other exercise trains virtually every muscle in the…
It's All Fun and Gains Until You Get Shoulder Pain Rotator cuff pathology, impingement syndrome, and other shoulder issues fall…
Bodyweight Workout: The Calisthenics Complex You can build an incredibly strong upper body with nothing but a well-designed bodyweight workout.…
New Exercises for Big Traps Whether you're at the gym or training at home with limited equipment, these are the…
Drugged Out On Nootropics Back in college I got into drugs. No, not weed and coke, but a group of…
Better Than Cardio? Hot tubs have played a pivotal role in my life. For starters, I relocated from my home…
Landmine exercises have been around for decades. Some scoff at the landmine's loading capability for adding size, but plenty of…
A Better Way to Warm Up A warm-up is a good thing. The problem? Warm-ups usually lack structure. Older people…