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  • Eating

Pentadecanoic Acid: The New Essential Fatty Acid

2 years ago

Pentadecanoic Acid and the Full-Fat Paradox Around 40 years ago, doctor-types started telling people to cut down on their intake…

  • Bigger Stronger Leaner

Progressive Overload is Overrated

2 years ago

Progressive Overload is Bull Most lifters are familiar with the story of Milo, the father of progressive overload. If not,…

  • Bigger Stronger Leaner

The Skinny Fat Solution

2 years ago

The Skinny Fat Epidemic There's endless information on how scrawny people can build muscle and even more information on how…

  • Bigger Stronger Leaner

The 50/100 Push-Up Challenge

2 years ago

A Two-Part Push-Up Challenge If you're serious about building strong shoulders, pecs, and triceps, a solid foundation of push-ups sets…

  • Bigger Stronger Leaner

Partial Rep Arm Workout: Better Than Full Range?

2 years ago

Should Your Arm Workout Contain Partial Reps? A cool study from 2019 should have changed the way all of us…

  • Eating

The Best Weight Loss Food

2 years ago

Weight Loss Food? I'm Listening... You probably read "weight loss food" and got a little excited. After all, everybody wants…

  • Bigger Stronger Leaner

The Lifter's Treatment for Elbow Pain

2 years ago

Beat Elbow Pain, Finally Few things will derail your training more than elbow pain. The problem? The typical solutions don't…

  • Bigger Stronger Leaner

3 Reasons to Re-Think Training to Failure

2 years ago

Is Training to Failure Worth It? Most hardcore lifters regularly train to failure, but should they? Lifting something heavy for…

  • Bigger Stronger Leaner

6 New Chest Workout Tips for Fast Gains

2 years ago

Maximize Your Chest Workout Not a competitive powerlifter? Then stop training like one. Don't mistake the fundamentals of powerlifting for…

  • Bigger Stronger Leaner

Pull-Ups: 3 Mistakes You're Still Making

2 years ago

Pull-Ups: 3 Big Mistakes Pull-ups are a great upper-body exercise, working the lats, traps, rhomboids, delts, pecs, biceps, and even…